Monday, January 08, 2007

Life is an excuse for death

This is a hypothesis that I thought of some years ago. Now it may sound overtly pessimistic, but I find it true.

We all are waiting for the ultimate truth. In normal circumstance, all of us are in queue as per our ages. Our lifetimes are actually waitng times. Our schools tell us what all is available on life's menu to kill time. We look at others to find what they have chosen to get maximum enjoyment. We follow them. Some of us are happy, most of us aren't. The former types are either the ones who are fully enjoying their time or the ones who are happy to find something to occupy time. The latter types are either the ones who aren't happy with whatever they have to kill time or the ones who don't have anything to kill time. Anyone can be in any category at any time depending upon who in the queue do you choose to follow (identify with).

Any takers?? Or should I find solace in these lines by Ghalib:
"Bak raha hoon junoon mein kya, kya kucch,
kucch na samjhe khuda kare koi"

1 comment:

Ibn-e-Shaida said...

yeh bhi buri nahin hain:

"laayee hayaat aaye, qaza le chali chale
apni khushi se aaye, na apni khushi chale"