Sunday, November 18, 2007


Who is it?
I don’t know
Can’t see it clear
Doesn’t say anything
Everyday, the same

Hey, look, I saw something
It flashed for a moment
For a moment
It is someone
It was someone
No, it is.
It was.

What do you see?
It’s a bubble
Shining with our magnificent seven
I’m shining.
Hmm…I used to.

Look, I see it again
It’s a peacock
Dancing in the wild
I’m dancing
Yes, I did.

It flashes again
It’s a marble
Rolling forever
I’m rolling
Yes, I did…no more, though.

But why? I can
Only for a moment
Yes, but still.
Oh yes, but still, you can.
And I could, once.

Once, when
It shone….I shone
It danced…I danced
It rolled…I rolled
It did…I did

So much more…so much more
For moments…for moments.

It’s flashing now.
What? So now you can. But I can’t?
It’s too bright
But it’s cold
I haven’t seen it before

What is it?
It’s a closet
A key just unlocked it

What’s in it?
Something too bright…and cold
Different from the shining, the dancing, the rolling
Haven’t seen it before.

Something beyond the reflection….I can’t see

Does it speak?
It does
It says, “Look beyond”

What is it?
What is it?

You can’t. I can’t.

Only the closet
Nothing beyond.

The bubble
The peacock
The marble
All reflections

It’s the closet
Beyond the reflections
It is way beyond
Yes, it is way beyond

Keep looking
Keep looking
Someday, you will
Someday, I will.

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